The sports facility construction specialist vision4venue now has its own ArchiCave. The special feature: It is the first ArchiCave with a 5-sided projection and thus an even more comprehensive VR representation.
Until now, ArchiCave was mainly in the version with 4-sided projection. In this case, three walls and the floor are shown with virtual reality. At vision4venue in Nuremberg, the extended version with 5-sided projection is now in use for the first time, which also projects onto the ceiling. The effect is an even stronger immersion, because a virtual all-round experience is created. Particularly for large-scale construction projects such as in sports facility construction, this means a significantly more comprehensive VR representation and thus more security for planning and development.
vision4venue is using its new ArchiCave directly for a current project in the region: In the development of the multifunctional arena “Arena Würzburg“, the VR presentation system is being used to check spatial structures and the progress of planning.
ArchiCave is the VR-CAVE for every office
CAVE is the abbreviation for “Cave Automatic Virtual Environment” and stands for a real projection room for virtual reality. CAVE systems have long been used in research or the automotive industry because they offer enormous advantages for efficient project development. For most small and medium-sized companies, however, the use of a CAVE has been impossible for reasons of cost and space.
The ArchiCave offers a smart solution. At vision4venue, for example, only a room of approx. 4 m x 4 m x 2.7 m was necessary – a small room for an office but a large room for visions of the future.